Control Spam from Forms, Control form spams

In this page you can be explained how the forms built with spam protection.
Today lot of bots,hackers came. So we have to protect the site from hackers at maximum.
Few listed here are best technique to protect your site from spam or bots.

Why we used all these techniques?
Now there are many automated form filling tools available in online.Once they plugged into the browser they have capable of automatically fill the information and submitted. It will ruin our database.Also it take time to delete. So it leads to problem.

There are many programmers or black hat hacker available now.They can program for specific application that will able to do automated tasks.
Method 1


"Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." is best method to reduce the spams.

Method 2

By hidden Fields

Robots are trying to fill the every form fields.So it may chance to fill the hidden fields or invisible fields where users are not able to do normally.
It can possible by users to change the default value of any thing that was hidden in a page.I will show you later.

Add any hidden fields like below

<input type="hidden" name="sites" value=""/>
<span style="display:none"><input type="text" name="check" value="" /></span>

Humans are not able to see the hidden text box normally.
So when you submit the form you can check the hidden fields like below.

if(isset($_POST['sites']) && trim($_POST['sites'])=='') {
//do something
//Pass this to error or thankyou page.

By checking above fields to null we confirm that are human only and save the application or do something
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